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Altar Servers

The primary role of the Altar Server at Saint Jeanne’s is to assist the priest in the celebration of the liturgy during Mass. Students in grades 4-8 receive their training from our Altar Server Parent Coordinator with the goal of helping at a school Mass. Our SJDL Altar Servers are also encouraged to offer their service at their respective parishes.

When we see young children and teen-agers serving at the altar, we cannot but become impressed and grateful that God is being praised and the Church is being blessed by the service of children whom God loves so dearly.

We recently heard from Pope Francis how in addition to the benefits that we receive through the prayers and worship of the altar servers, there are other major results to be considered. These children and teen-agers themselves derive blessings that develop into characteristics that will gradually become some of the most praiseworthy features of their personality and total identity.

As Pope Francis stated, “Dear altar boys and altar girls, the closer you are to the altar, the more you will remember to speak with Jesus in daily prayer; the more you will be nourished by the Word and the Body of the Lord, the better able you will be to go out to others, bringing them the gift that you have received, giving in turn with enthusiasm the joy you have received.” We hope to see you become part of our Altar Server Community
- Sister Terry Estrada, O.P.

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